Thursday, 12 April 2012

Cater 2 U

Hey guys saGa here again with another song not gona lie, im a guy and i like this song alot. The song is Cater 2 U from Destiny's Child. This song is about taking care of that special someone in your life and making sure they are happy while not sacrificing your own happiness. When i listen to the song i hear all of the things they do for there man, makes me want a girl that can do all of those things for me, i know i will treat her right :). But the point is, don't forget to treat that person special every now and again im not saying be a slave to them but just show you care. Remember just because your together means you can stop showing how much u care for them,so go now and cater to your lover :)

Destiny's Child - Cater 2 U :

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